
Getting Prepared for Negotiation

negotiation- mental health scared

Most of our clients are already competitively skilled when it comes to negotiation skills of buying and selling, however on the agency side, we are often way behind the mark and just starting to study and learn the same principle of pricing and negotiation

This may be an old classic topic to us all, but as the words say, classics are the classics for a reason.

There are 2 things we need to be very clear before moving into a negotiation: 

1. Rejection is a good sign

2. Clients buy our value not costs

Rejection is a good sign

It is hard to face any form of rejection, both mentally and physically.

One can't remember how many times I have got rejected in a negotiation, in the beginning, I was really upset and puzzled by rejection, it lowered my self-esteem, lost confidence. However, what changed my mind was one day I suddenly realized that hearing No from clients is actually a good sign, it means that we haven't sold ourselves short!

On top of this, it also meant that the client gave our pricing some thoughts and decided to rule it out, what we really need to do is to go the extra mile and explore another option where we can give a little bit more from our end so that the clients feel even-out.

Clients buy our value not cost

Most of the time, when we buy new things, we don't spend the time and energy to measure the products' cost, what matters to us is how much we have to give out to get the benefit from the service/product.

It is the same in a compensation negotiation. We need to overcome and change our mindset from cost to value.

It doesn't really matter how much our cost is, our cost is just a piece of evidence that may support the reason why we asked for a specific price, however, if we put ourselves in the client's shoes, what truly matters to us is the price we have to payout and the benefits that we can earn from making this deal.

Therefore, in times of client hesitation, the critical question to ask is: is it about the price? or is it about the service? often you will find out that the client's true concern is more on the below points rather than what is your cost.Can I afford this price?
Is there a substitute?
Is there a compromised option?



01. Python 基本函数

  Python 基本函数 print()  可以输出数据 type()  可以查看数据类型 可以使用 “ + ” 运行加法运算 如果一个式子有浮点数参与,那么最终结果也会以浮点数呈现,例如:1 + 1.0 = 2.0,但1 + 1 = 2。结果是一样的,但判定的class会不同 浮点数其实不能完全精确的表示小数,但一般情况下如果对结果没有要求很精确的话,可以忽略这个结果。 基本运算符 + 加法 - 减法 * 乘法 / 除法 注意事项: 除法运算的结果总是 浮点数 运算符的优先级:先乘除后加减 也可以用括号提高优先级 特殊算术运算 **  指数运算 % 取余 例如5除以2等于 2(商),1余数,用这个算数的话便会出现1 也可以透过取余运算去判断一个数的奇偶。奇数的取余结果都会是奇数,而偶数则都为0 含浮点数的取余结果也会含浮点数 // 整数除法 整数除法的结果会自动舍去小数(不进行四舍五入),只保留整数部分 全整数的整数除法结果会是留整数;含浮点数的整数除法结果会是浮点数 算数的优先级: 指数 乘法,除法,取余,整数除法 加法,减法 控制台输入 input ()  从控制台上获取用户输入的内容 需要使用变量接受input的数值 这些内容是字符串(string)类型数据; input所取得的数值类型也会是字符串类型 例: print ("请输入名字:") name = input () print (name) 另外一种写法也可以是: name = input ("请输入名字:") print ("你好," + name) 那么结果产出就会是: 你好,name 加法运算符可以拼接 2 个字符串 字符串只能拼接字符串,拼接整数的话程序会报错 例: print ("你好," + 5) 程序会报错 虽然加法运算符不能将字符串拼接整数,但乘法运算符可以字符串拼接整数,表示重复。 例: print ("你好," * 5) 结果就会是: 你好,你好,你好,你好,你好, 如果乘于浮点数的话,则程序会报错。

02. Python 的数据类型

单个数据存储类型 整数(int) - 不带小数点的数; integer 浮点数(float) - 带浮点点的数:3.14, -6.7, 4.0 注意的是,4.0也算是浮点数,因为含有小数点 字符串(string) - 有序的字符序列 布尔值(bool) - 用于逻辑运算的类型,值只有TRUE或FALSE。 多个数据存储类型,容器 列表(list) - 有序列序,可以重复 字典(dictionary) - 无序的键(key)值(value)对 元组(tuple) - 有序且不可变序列 集合(set) - 无序且无重复元素

05. Python 数据类型转换

  各个数据类型转换 各种数据之间要做运算的话,原则上会需要是同类型的数据类型,不然程序会报错。 例: birth = input("请输入出生年份:") age = 2021 - birth print ("你今年已经 “ + age + ” 岁啦!“) 程序会报错:input取得的结果是字符串,字符串无法跟整数拼接。 正确的写法应该是: 例: birth = input("请输入出生年份:") age = 2021 - int(birth) print ("你今年已经 “ + str(age) + ” 岁啦!“) 透过 int() 及 str() 的方式,将数据类型强制转换 也可以将数据转换成其他类型,例如 float,list 等 再来个范例: hp = 358 max_hp = 1462 result = hp / max_hp result *= 100 result = int(result) print ("角色当前生命值: ” + str(result) + "%")